=====IBD===== **Inflammatory Bowel Disease** ====Ulcerative Colitis==== *a type of IBD that characteristically involves diffuse inflammation of the colonic mucosa, especially the rectum, but also variable lengths of the colon, in a relapsing, remitting course *considered a multifactorial polygenic disease, as the exact aetiology is still unknown but includes environmental factors, immune dysfunction, and genetic predisposition *common - bloody diarrhoea, chronic diarrhoea (or both), lower abdominal pain, faecal urgency, and extra-intestinal manifestations, particularly those related to activity of the colitis. *Diagnosis requires endoscopy with biopsy and -ve stool culture. *Relapses are often associated with pathogens,hence stool should be obtained for culture. ====Crohns disease==== ====Coeliac disease==== ---- **References include:**\\ https://handbook.ggcmedicines.org.uk/guidelines/gastrointestinal-system/management-of-severe-exacerbation-of-inflammatory-bowel-disease/\\ [[https://bestpractice.bmj.com/topics/en-gb/43|BMJ best practice Ulcerative Colitis 2019]]\\