=====Rashes===== ====Monkeypox vs chickenpox==== [[https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/resources/monkeypox-outbreak-2022-guidance|Royal College paediatrics Monkeypox 2022]]\\ [[https://www.gov.uk/guidance/monkeypox|Gov.uk guidance Monkeypox]]\\ [[https://dermnetnz.org/topics/monkeypox|DerNetNZ]]\\ ^ ^Monkeypox ^Chickenpox | ^Lesions |Classically, lesions are all at a similar stage of maturation\\ monkeypox lesions can appear in crops over several days in some individuals |appear over several days leading to lesions at different stages at any time.\\ But!... not always the case | ^ |classically described as beginning peripherally (face, extremities including palms and soles) and spreading centrally\\ rashes have been atypical, sometimes more localised and often present in the genital area. |usually begins centrally, spreading peripherally\\ not usual on palms and soles | ^ | | | *Vesicular rashes of enterovirus can also be primarily peripheral such as in hand, foot and mouth disease. ====Notifiable diseases==== ^UKHSA South London Health Protection Team\\ South Wing 4th Floor Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road,\\ London, SE1 8UG \\ slhpt.oncall@phe.gov.uk \\ Phone: 0344 326 2052\\ Out of hours for health professionals only: please phone 0344 326 2052\\ If you are using an NHS.net address, phe.slhpt@nhs.net | {{ :wiki:infection:registeredmedicalpractitionerformnotifiabledisease.docx |Notifiable disease form}}\\ Coronavirus Response Cell, telephone: 0300 303 0450 or email: LCRC@phe.gov.uk