====Elbow injuries==== *ant fat pad normally seen in children *post fat pad NOT usually seen as buried in intercondylar fossa *unlikely intra-articular injury if fat pad sign not +ve *likely occult # if fat pad sign +ve and # not visible |[{{ :wiki:musculoskeletal:upperlimb:elbow_normalanterfat.jpg?150|**Normal Fat pad**}}] |[{{ :wiki:musculoskeletal:upperlimb:fatpadsign.jpg?150|**+ve Fat pad sign**}}] | ====Radial head fractures==== ^stable |• isolated undisplaced or minimally displaced fracture\\ • nearly always impacted, with intact periosteum, and are unlikely to displace.\\ • **Mx** - conservative. Stiffness is the main adverse outcome and neither immobilisation or early mobilisation are necessarily superior | ^unstable |• usually associated with other bony or ligamentous injury\\ • usually involve several detached, mobile fragments with little or no soft-tissue attachment\\ • often associated with an elbow dislocation, proximal ulna fracture, or injury to the interosseous ligament of the forearm | ---- ^Mason Classification (Modified by Hotchkiss and Broberg-Morrey) ||| ^Type I |Nondisplaced or minimally displaced (<2mm), no mechanical block to rotation |{{:wiki:musculoskeletal:upperlimb:radial_head_fracture.png?200|}}| ^Type II |Displaced >2mm or angulated, possible mechanical block to forearm rotation |:::| ^Type III |Comminuted and displaced, mechanical block to motion |:::| ^Type IV |Radial head fracture with associated elbow dislocation |:::| Essex-Lopresti fracture-dislocation *fracture of the radial head, dislocation of the distal radioulnar joint and rupture of the antebrachial interosseous membrane *possibly only 20% recognised at 1st presentation as XRay may be unremarkable ===Monteggia fracture-dislocation== *fracture of the ulnar shaft with concomitant dislocation of the radial head. ^Bado classification of Monteggia fracture-dislocation ||| ^I |anterior dislocation of radial head |{{ :wiki:musculoskeletal:upperlimb:bado.jpeg?200|}}| ^II |posterior dislocation of radial head |:::| ^III |lateral dislocation of radial head |:::| ^IV |anterior radial head dislocation as well as proximal third ulnar and radial shaft fractures |:::| ===Galeazzi fracture-dislocation== *fracture of the distal part of the radius with dislocation of distal radioulnar joint and an intact ulna. *A Galeazzi-equivalent fracture is a distal radial fracture with a distal ulnar physeal fracture. *due to a fall on an outstretched hand (FOOSH) with the elbow in flexion *type I: dorsal displacement, type II: volar displacement ^Monteggia vs Galeazzi ||| ||{{:wiki:musculoskeletal:upperlimb:monteggia_galeazzi.jpg?400|}}|**"GRIMUS"**\\ **G**alleazzi\\ **R**adial fracture (**I**nferiorly ie. distal)\\ \\ **M**onteggia\\ **U**lna fracture (**S**uperiorly ie. prox)| ==References include:== http://rad.desk.nl/en/p4214416a75d87/elbow-fractures-in-children.html\\ https://www.orthobullets.com/trauma/1019/radial-head-fractures\\ [[https://online.boneandjoint.org.uk/doi/full/10.1302/0301-620X.95B2.29877|Radial head fracture: The Bone & Joint Journal Vol.95-B, No. 2. 2013]]\\ https://radiopaedia.org/articles/monteggia-fracture-dislocation?lang=gb\\