Table of Contents


Detailed Hx is important:


Often difficult in acute setting because of pain

Specific exam techniques:

Lever test for ACL rupture
Apley test - patient in prone position with the knee flexed to 90 degrees.
Fix patient's thigh to table with your knee then laterally and medially rotate the tibia, 1st with distraction then compression, noting any excessive movement, restriction or discomfort.
If rotation + distraction is more painful or shows increased rotation relative to the normal side, the lesion is more likely ligamentous.
If rotation + compression is more painful or reduced rotation, more likely a meniscus injury.

review of clinical tests vs surgical findings

Patella injuries

Patella dislocation

Patellar fracture

Ligament injuries

ACL rupture

PCL rupture

Collateral ligament injuries

Meniscus injuries

Tibial plateau fractures

Schatzker classification - more serious 1→6. II most common.

I Lateral split
II Split with depression
III Pure lateral depression
IV Pure medial depression
V Bicondylar
VI Split extends to metadiaphysis

Segond fracture

Synovial Plica Syndrome

Baker's cyst

References include:

Comp Ortho picture
Synovial plica syndrome - review
Plica syndrome review. Embryology
Bakers cyst review