Synovial Plica Syndrome is a common cause of pain in the antero-medial aspect of the knee
plicae are folds in the synovium and are found in suprapatellar, mediopatellar, infrapatellar, or lateral locations. The medial plica is the most commonly symptomatic.
symptoms include: anterior knee pain, clicking, clunking, and a popping sensation on patello-femoral loading activity such as squatting and therefore commonly misdiagnosed as patello-femoral syndrome
often following strenuous physical work or athletic activity involving repetitive flexion and extension of the knee
a palpable plica on examination may present as a ribbon like fold of tissue, which can be rolled directly against the underlying medial femoral condyle
effusion or swelling is usually not present
more usually a clinical Dx, as a diagnosis of exclusion, Hughston's plica testclose
examiner flexes the knee, medially rotates the lower leg, glides the patella medially, and palpates the medial femoral condyle. The test is positive if a pop is appreciated under the examiners fingers
and Stutter testsclose
The Stutter test is performed by having the patient sit upright with the legs dangling off the edge of the exam table at a 90-degree angle. The examiner places his or her index and middle fingers on the center of the patella of the affected leg. The patient then extends the affected leg while the examiner feels for a stutter of the patella.
are provocative tests commonly used to support the diagnosis if both (best) are positive
Management - usually/mostly conservative with physiotherapy, quadriceps strengthening exercises