Table of Contents

Neuropathies and entrapments

Cranial Nerves

Olfactory I smell from mucosa of roof of nasal cavity
Optic II sight - retina
Oculomotor III motor to sup, inf, med recti, inf oblique, levator palpebrae superioris
parasymp to sphincter pupillae and ciliary M's - constriction and accommodation
Trochlear IV sup oblique - inf gaze
Trigeminal V
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Ophthalmic Va sensation - eyelids, scalp, nose and nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses
Maxillary Vb sensation - maxillary face, upper lip, upper teeth, maxillary sinuses and palate
Mandibular Vc sensation - mandibular face, lower teeth, ant 2/3 tongue
motor - mastication
Abducens VI motor - lat rectus - lat gaze
Facial VII
Bells palsy
Ramsay Hunt
motor - facial M's and middle ear
parasymp - salivary and lacrimal glands, glands of nose and palate
sensory - taste ant 2/3 tongue and palate
Vestibulocochlear VIII Vestibular - semicircular canal sensation, saccules - position
Cochlear - hearing
Glossopharyngeal IX Sensory - ext ear
Motor - stylopharyngeus (swallowing)
parasymp - parotid
Taste - post 1/3 tongue
sensory - parotid, carotid body/sinus
Vagus X Motor - pharynx, larynx, upper 2/3 oesophagus
Parasymp - cardioresp, gut
Visceral sensory - thorax, abdomen
taste - epiglottis and palate
Sensation - ext auricle, ext auditory meatus, dura of post cranial fossa
Accessory XI Motor - SCM and trapezius
Hypoglossal XII Motor - tongue

Bells Palsy (CN VII)

House-Brackmann score for the Facial nerve

I. Normal Normal facial function in all areas
II. Mild dysfunction Gross
Slight weakness noticeable on close inspection
May have slight synkinesis
At rest, normal symmetry and tone
Forehead - Moderate to good function
Eye - Complete closure with minimal effort
Mouth - Slight asymmetry
III. Moderate dysfunction Gross
Obvious but not disfiguring difference between sides
Noticeable (but not severe) synkinesis, contracture, or hemifacial spasm
At rest, normal symmetry and tone
Forehead - Slight to moderate movement
Eye - Complete closure with effort
Mouth - Slightly weak with maximum effort
IV. Moderately severe dysfunction Gross
Obvious weakness and/or disfiguring asymmetry
At rest, normal symmetry and tone
Forehead - None
Eye - Incomplete closure
Mouth - Asymmetrical with maximum effort
V. Severe dysfunction Gross
Only barely perceptible motion
At rest, asymmetry
Forehead - None
Eye - Incomplete closure
Mouth - Slight movement
VI. Total paralysis No movement

Ramsay Hunt syndrome (CN VII)

rare neurological disorder caused by varicella zoster characterized by paralysis of CN-VII with variable presentation of other findings:

Thoracic outlet Syndrome


Neurogenic TOS (95% of all TOS) presents with pain, weakness, numbness and tingling in the hand and arm.

Venous TOS, also known as Paget-Schroetter disease, presents with arm swelling, blue or dark discolouration, and a feeling of fullness or aching in the arm

Arterial TOS presents with coldness, numbness, tingling, pain, and white discolouration in the fingers or whole hand.

Useful tests:

Brachial plexus

Brachial Neuritis

(Parsonage-Turner Syndrome)

Differential Diagnosis

Lumbar plexus nerve entrapments


a condition due to deficiency of Thiamine (vit B1)

Cauda Equina Syndrome

Red flags:

3 main variations:

  1. Rapid onset without a previous history of back problems.
  2. Acute bladder dysfunction with a history of low back pain and sciatica.
  3. Chronic backache and sciatica with gradually progressing CES often with canal stenosis.

Important to distinguish between Complete and Incomplete as CES-Incomplete has a good prognosis with emergency surgical intervention. CES-Complete does not respond as well and surgery may even be delayed:

References include:

Lumbar Plexus N entrapment syndromes - groin pain in athletes
Cauda equina review 2011
J NeuroSurg. Thoracic Outlet synd 2015