Olfactory I | smell from mucosa of roof of nasal cavity |
Optic II | sight - retina |
Oculomotor III | motor to sup, inf, med recti, inf oblique, levator palpebrae superioris parasymp to sphincter pupillae and ciliary M's - constriction and accommodation |
Trochlear IV | sup oblique - inf gaze |
Trigeminal V Trigeminal Neuralgia | |
Ophthalmic Va | sensation - eyelids, scalp, nose and nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses |
Maxillary Vb | sensation - maxillary face, upper lip, upper teeth, maxillary sinuses and palate |
Mandibular Vc | sensation - mandibular face, lower teeth, ant 2/3 tongue motor - mastication |
Abducens VI | motor - lat rectus - lat gaze |
Facial VII Bells palsy Ramsay Hunt | motor - facial M's and middle ear parasymp - salivary and lacrimal glands, glands of nose and palate sensory - taste ant 2/3 tongue and palate |
Vestibulocochlear VIII | Vestibular - semicircular canal sensation, saccules - position Cochlear - hearing |
Glossopharyngeal IX | Sensory - ext ear Motor - stylopharyngeus (swallowing) parasymp - parotid Taste - post 1/3 tongue sensory - parotid, carotid body/sinus |
Vagus X | Motor - pharynx, larynx, upper 2/3 oesophagus Parasymp - cardioresp, gut Visceral sensory - thorax, abdomen taste - epiglottis and palate Sensation - ext auricle, ext auditory meatus, dura of post cranial fossa |
Accessory XI | Motor - SCM and trapezius |
Hypoglossal XII | Motor - tongue |
I. Normal | Normal facial function in all areas |
II. Mild dysfunction | Gross Slight weakness noticeable on close inspection May have slight synkinesis At rest, normal symmetry and tone Motion Forehead - Moderate to good function Eye - Complete closure with minimal effort Mouth - Slight asymmetry |
III. Moderate dysfunction | Gross Obvious but not disfiguring difference between sides Noticeable (but not severe) synkinesis, contracture, or hemifacial spasm At rest, normal symmetry and tone Motion Forehead - Slight to moderate movement Eye - Complete closure with effort Mouth - Slightly weak with maximum effort |
IV. Moderately severe dysfunction | Gross Obvious weakness and/or disfiguring asymmetry At rest, normal symmetry and tone Motion Forehead - None Eye - Incomplete closure Mouth - Asymmetrical with maximum effort |
V. Severe dysfunction | Gross Only barely perceptible motion At rest, asymmetry Motion Forehead - None Eye - Incomplete closure Mouth - Slight movement |
VI. Total paralysis | No movement |
rare neurological disorder caused by varicella zoster characterized by paralysis of CN-VII with variable presentation of other findings:
Neurogenic TOS (95% of all TOS) presents with pain, weakness, numbness and tingling in the hand and arm.
Venous TOS, also known as Paget-Schroetter disease, presents with arm swelling, blue or dark discolouration, and a feeling of fullness or aching in the arm
Arterial TOS presents with coldness, numbness, tingling, pain, and white discolouration in the fingers or whole hand.
Useful tests:
(Parsonage-Turner Syndrome)
a condition due to deficiency of Thiamine (vit B1)
Red flags:
3 main variations:
Important to distinguish between Complete and Incomplete as CES-Incomplete has a good prognosis with emergency surgical intervention. CES-Complete does not respond as well and surgery may even be delayed:
Lumbar Plexus N entrapment syndromes - groin pain in athletes
Cauda equina review 2011
J NeuroSurg. Thoracic Outlet synd 2015