
  • defined as inflammation of the breast with or without infection
    • Mastitis with infection may be lactational (puerperal) or non-lactational (e.g., duct ectasia).
    • Non-infectious mastitis includes idiopathic granulomatous inflammation and other inflammatory conditions (e.g., foreign body reaction).
  • A breast abscess is a localised area of infection with a walled-off collection of pus. It may or may not be associated with mastitis.
  • Staph aureus is the most frequent pathogen


  • analgesia - paracetamol, ibuprofen
  • effective milk extraction - continue breast feeding, breast pump
  • Flucloxacillin (or dicloxacillin or cloxacillin) - 250-500mg qds (cephalexin or clindamycin if allergic)
  • breast abscess needs surgical drainage

References include:!scenario
BMJ best practice Mastitis