Rotator Cuff Syndrome

A specific pattern of shoulder degenerative joint disease that results from

  • rotator cuff tears leading to loss of joint congruence
  • results in abnormal glenohumeral wear
  • leads to the specific pattern of degenerative joint disease
superior migration of humerus

Rotator cuff arthropathy is characterized by the combination of

  • rotator cuff insufficiency
  • glenohumeral cartilage destruction
  • superior migration of the humeral head
  • subchondral osteoporosis
  • humeral head collapse


Inspection & palpation

  • supraspinatus/infraspinatus atrophy
  • prominence of humeral head anteriorly (anterosuperior escape) with elevation of arm
  • subcutaneous effusion from loss of fluid from capsule

Range of motion

  • limitations in active and passive ROM
  • crepitus in glenohumeral and/or subacromial joints with ROM
  • pseudoparalysis - inability to abduct shoulder

Provocation tests

external rotation lag sign
  • inability to maintain passively externally rotated shoulder with elbow at 90o - consistent with a massive infraspinatus tear
Hornblower sign
  • inability to externally rotate or maintain passive external rotation of a shoulder placed in 90o of elbow flexion and 90o of shoulder abduction - consistent with teres minor dysfunction


  • physiotherapy with a scapular and rotator cuff strengthening exercises
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatories
  • subacromial steroid injections - some trials suggest no benefit over NSAIDs and also have risk of increasing degeneration of soft tissues including ligaments and tendons here.
  • surgical
wiki/musculoskeletal/upperlimb/rotatorcuff.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/25 14:16 by
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