Degenerative & auto-immune Conditions


Eaton Lambert syndrome

  • a neuromuscular junction disorder which may present as a paraneoplastic phenomenon or a primary autoimmune disorder
  • antibodies against presynaptic voltage-gated calcium channels
    • ~60% associated with underlying tumour, mostly small cell lung cancer, and may precede Dx of malignancy by >5years
  • muscle weakness is primary symptom esp of prox leg muscles and is usually of prox to distal, caudal to cranial distribution & symmetrical. Post-exercise facilitation is common (return of reflexes and muscle strength post exercise)
  • Cranial Nerve involvement in >75% with oculobulbar weakness prominent
  • autonomic involvement in >80%
  • similar to Myasthenia Gravis but distinguished by - areflexia, autonomic dysfunction and the phenomenon of post-exercise facilitation
  • primarily of underlying malignancy - CT Ix 1st and PET scan if -ve
  • Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for muscle weakness may help Lambert review 22

PSP (Progressive Supra-Nuclear Palsy)

otherwise known as Steele-Richardson-Olszewski Syndrome condition

  • progressive impairment of balance and walking
  • impaired eye movement, especially in the downward direction
  • abnormal muscle tone (rigidity)
  • speech difficulties (dysarthria)
  • problems related to swallowing and eating (dysphagia)
  • frequently experience personality changes and cognitive impairment.

Spinocerebellar Ataxia

References include
wiki/neurology/degenerativeneurologyconditions.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/25 14:16 by
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