Acute transverse myelitis

acute inflammation of gray and white matter in one or more adjacent spinal cord segments, usually thoracic.


  • most commonly multiple sclerosis
  • neuromyelitis optica, infections, autoimmune or post-infectious (viral) inflammation, vasculitis, and certain drugs (amphtemaines, IV heroin, anti-parasitic/malarial).


  • neck, back or head pain
  • band like tightness around torso
  • bilateral motor, sensory, and sphincter deficits below the level of the lesion.


  • MRI and CSF (monocyctes, protein mildly up, and IgG index high.)
  • IgG marker for neuromyelitis optica variant


other transverse myelopathies B12, folate, Zn and Cu def's vascular insufficiency and spinal tumour

wiki/neurology/transversemyelitis.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/25 14:16 by
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